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ADVANTESCO Peplink Audit

Know the real state of your Network

IT professionals are tasked with ensuring seamless connectivity and performance, but with so many issues hampering performance, IT pros are often left shooting in the dark. The outcome? Spotty coverage, slow speeds, security hazards - the list goes on. Executing a Peplink audit is fundamental to ensuring the reliability and functionality of your Peplink device.

Networks are dynamic entities; they grow, shrink, change, and divide themselves continuously. Network administrators cannot even assume this process is entirely under their control. Users add devices and sometimes even new hardware to the network infrastructure. These activities can have drastic repercussions on network security.

Peplink auditing is a must for any organization. If your business is in a regulated industry, such as banking or healthcare, you may also have external auditors come in to assess your network. Doing an internal audit first can ensure you’re prepared for an external audit.

Network auditing can help you answer questions about the state of your network, hardware, or software. It enables essential decisions for your business or budget. And it may uncover issues that you weren’t aware of before. But it’s always better to know because becoming aware of them can help you fix them before they can cause a significant problem.